This calculator is based on 7th pay commission recommendation submitted to the Indian gov on 19th Nov 2015. .
Here you know how much your basic salary will be after implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendation.
Here is the online free simple calculator, which will give you approx new basic pay. After implementation 7th pay commsion reccomendation, there will be no grade pay. You will get only basic pay and other allowances and DA but no grade pay as per recommendation.
You just need to give the input as your current basic pay and grade pay (as per 6th pay commission). Suppose your this month's salary basic pay is Rs 23,000 and grade pay is Rs 6,600, just give the input in the field below and click on calculate button, you will get the projected basic plus grade pay after implementation.
Here you know how much your basic salary will be after implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendation.
Here is the online free simple calculator, which will give you approx new basic pay. After implementation 7th pay commsion reccomendation, there will be no grade pay. You will get only basic pay and other allowances and DA but no grade pay as per recommendation.
You just need to give the input as your current basic pay and grade pay (as per 6th pay commission). Suppose your this month's salary basic pay is Rs 23,000 and grade pay is Rs 6,600, just give the input in the field below and click on calculate button, you will get the projected basic plus grade pay after implementation.
Use this calculator to calculate your final salary as per 7th CPC report.